Monday, June 15, 2020

Dad-Gum-It! Cream Butterscotch

I opened this tonight after working outside:

Dad-Gum-It! Cream Butterscotch

Brand: Dad-Gum-It! Cream Butterscotch

Origin: Camarillo, CA

Purchase Place: Blue Sun Soda, Spring Lake Park, MN.

Sweetener: Cane Sugar

Review: When I popped the bottle cap, I got a huge whiff of butterscotch candies. I was impressed, and I was hopeful. And it didn't taste too bad! It sure was better than their "Root Beer Butterscotch," so that was good. It still had a slightly off aftertaste (or maybe more specifically "later" in the taste but just before an "aftertaste"), but it wasn't too egregious.

Also, it doesn't really need the word "cream" in the name. One would assume that something liquid and butterscotch flavored would be creamy. It's not soooo creamy that it warrants the title of CREAM Butterscotch. IMHO.

This calls for higher points for a unique flavor, but then that gets lowered down a bit because of the slightly weird aftertaste. But a decent butterscotch soda that was fun to sip on a hot evening.

Score: 6.5 out of 10.

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