Thursday, April 27, 2023

Limited Time: Diet Coke with Plant Based Sweetener

I saw a "bin" of these at Target, so I had to grab one of these funky tall cans: 

Diet Coke with Plant Based Sweetener
In front of my "broken camera shelf" in my office.

(And it's hard to tell in that photo, but the can is not a normal "Diet Coke gray" color.  It's got a touch of green to it, presumably because of the "plant-based" nature of it.)
Brand: Diet Coke with Plant Based Sweeteners.

Origin: Atlanta, GA.

Purchase Place: Target, St. Paul, MN.

Sweetener: Stevia Extract and Monk Fruit Extract.

Review: I feel like I can taste Stevia in things, and it's not the best flavor. But I didn't know anything about Monk Fruit (turns out it's a calorie-free sweetener that also has some anti-inflammatory properties). And it turns out I feel like I can KIND OF taste the Stevia in this - it's not as blatant as some sodas. It tasted a little "softer" than regular Diet Coke, but not necessarily "weaker." It wasn't bad, but I think I preferred regular Diet Coke better - I often drink Diet Coke, but I don't have any at home right now so I could do a side-by-side comparison. Quite decent.

Score: 7 out of 10.

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