Monday, July 5, 2021

Chumlee Root Beer

I had to look up who "Chumlee" is/was because I had no idea. It turns out he's on "Pawn Stars" and this is possibly the best possible photo of him:

Chumlee Root Beer

Brand: Chumlee Root Beer.

Origin: Incline Village, NV.

Purchase Place: Blue Sun Soda, Spring Lake Park, MN.

Sweetener: Pure Cane Sugar.

Review: I feel like I've tasted this before. It was made my "Rocket Fizz," and I have a feeling that many of their semi-novelty sodas are all the same. It's a weak generic tasting root beer. It was a bit creamy and had a good head, but it was just so weak that it wasn't very enjoyable. I'm ranking it just below average.

Score: 4 out of 10.

On a side-note, that's the last bottle from my old soda stash (it's no wonder I left "Chumlee" soda sitting there for so long), so shortly I'll be starting in on the case I got from Minnesota's Largest Candy Store last month! Sweet!


  1. This is one of my top 3 root beers all time, out of 64. No idea how you thought it was weak! To each their own.
