Monday, May 22, 2023

VitaLife Root Beer Prebiotic Soda

I grabbed one of these from Aldi recently:

VitaLife Root Beer Prebiotic Soda

Brand: VitaLife Root Beer Prebiotic Soda.

Origin: Batavia, IL.

Purchase Place: Aldi, Minneapolis, MN.

Sweetener: Stevia.

Review: This is a kombucha-like prebiotic soda that's flavored like root beer. Because of that, it has a LOAD of fiber: the 3rd ingredient is inulin which makes the can loaded with 9 grams of fiber. The ingredients list was pretty big, so I didn't know what to expect with the taste.

It smelled like root beer, and upon first taste, it TASTED like root beer as well. But after a second, it gets a little odd caramel / fruit / sweet taste that just kind of takes over. That ruins the experience a bit - it starts well, but ends tasting odd. If it could just stay as the initial flavor, this would be an 8 or so in my book, but the weirdness that happens at the end of each sip really takes its toll overall. Decent, but not great.

Score: 5.5 out of 10.

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