My wife saw this in the store earlier this week, and she had to grab it for me:
Brand: Oreo Coca Cola
Origin: Atlanta, GA.
Purchase Place: Wal-Mart, Roseville, MN.
Sweetener: Aspartame and Sucralose.
Review: The bottle says "Fizzy Cookie Flavored." And my wife had the big question: "Is this just the CREAM of the Oreo?... Is it like a creamy Coke?" I thought otherwise: "I bet it's chocolate too! I think it will be BOTH flavors of the Oreo: chocolatey and creamy."
And unfortunately, I was right.
It smelled totally normal. Just like regular Coke. But the taste was oddly chocolate. AND creamy. It was like a liquified Oreo, with carbonation. It really didn't taste anything like Coke, but the flavor of an Oreo was spot on. But that didn't make it "good." My wife thought it was disgusting, I thought it was sub-par, and my boys thought it was pretty good. I wouldn't want another one of these, so I'll rank it below average. But it you LOVE Oreos, then this flavor might be for you.
Score: 4 out of 10.