My wife and youngest son stopped by Remix over the weekend, and they came back with a 4-pack of Northern Soda for me:
4-pack on the counter. |
The first one we tried! |
Brand: Northern Soda Company Sweet Liberty Blue Raspberry Lemonade.
Origin: Arden Hills, MN.
Purchase Place: Remix Popcorn and Delights, St. Paul, MN.
Sweetener: Cane Sugar.
Review: This was (unsurprisingly) unnaturally blue. It didn't have much lemonade flavor at all, as it was mostly "blue raspberry." I thought it tasted like a melted blue raspberry Icee, and my boys said it tasted liked a melted Freezee. It tasted good, but those thoughts made it a little more depressing to drink: we WANTED it to be a Freezee or an Icee, and it wasn't. It was just soda. So I have to rank this a little lower than I'd initially rank it because it WANTS US to WANT IT to be something else. But the flavor IS good if you're interested!
Score: 6.5 out of 10.